How to Care for a Bird of Paradise

Unleash your inner sun goddess with the flamboyant Bird of Paradise! Learn easy care tips for this exotic dancer of the plant world, from sunshine sips to humidity hula-ing. Flaunt vibrant blooms & feathered leaves in your home jungle!

  • Bird of Paradise

Dancing Cranes in Your Sunroom: Unveiling the Beauty of the Bird of Paradise

Hailing from the sunny shores of South Africa, the Strelitzia reginae, or Bird of Paradise, isn't just a tropical beauty; it's a botanical enigma. Often mistaken for its distant cousin, the banana plant, this evergreen charmer boasts its own royal lineage, belonging to the unique Strelitziaceae family. Yet, its roots twist through the same genetic soil as the humble banana, hinting at a hidden family secret.

Named for the regal crane-like flowers it bears (hence the "reginae"), the Bird of Paradise stuns with vibrant orange and blue blossoms that resemble exotic birds soaring through the air. But don't be fooled by its vibrant attire; a white variety also gracefully exists in this avian botanical ballet.

While it yearns for the full, southern sun and humid embrace of its native land, this adaptable dancer can even waltz indoors under the right conditions. With plenty of sunlight, a warm and humid atmosphere, and a bit of luck, your indoor haven might just witness the breathtaking twirl of its orange and blue blooms.

But the Bird of Paradise is more than just a flamboyant floral showstopper. Its elegantly split leaves, resembling torn feathers, aren't just a whimsical fashion statement. Scientists believe this unique "lobing" is an ingenious adaptation to the windswept African plains. By splitting along their seams, the leaves allow the wind to flow through, preventing the plant from being snapped in half like a brittle twig.

Intrigued by this avian ballerina and its secrets? Read on for tips on how to nurture your own Bird of Paradise, transforming your home into a stage for a graceful botanical performance.

Sunshine Sipping, Humidity Hula-ing: Keeping Your Bird of Paradise Happy


Think of your Bird of Paradise as a feathered sunbather – it craves bright, indirect light, and when fully acclimated, can bask in the glory of full sun. But beware the shade! Dim lighting is like a disco without the beat – not its jam.


Imagine your Bird of Paradise as a graceful dancer, twirling and dipping every 1-2 weeks. Wait for the soil to dry out between sips, like a parched performer awaiting a refreshing intermission. Remember, the brighter the spotlight, the thirstier it gets. In lower light, let the water flow a little less like a slow ballad. Pro tip: Treat your feathered friend to filtered water, like a backstage elixir, or let tap water air out overnight.


While your Bird of Paradise can handle the usual apartment air, it secretly dreams of a steamy rainforest. Think jungle mist rising around its feathery feet. If you can, add a fine-mist mister or humidifier to create a tropical spa day for your feathered friend.


Our feathered dancer thrives in a temperature range that feels like a cozy house party – between 65°F and 85°F (18°C-30°C). Don't let it get too chilly, though – below 60°F (15°C) is like a deserted dance floor, not its vibe.


Picture your Bird of Paradise twirling on a well-draining stage, not a soggy swamp. Use a potting mix that lets the water sashay through, like perlite or lava rocks sprinkled in for good measure.

Remember, with a little sunshine, the right sips, and a touch of tropical magic, your Bird of Paradise will be hula-ing all year round!

At Rosies & Posies, we've got stunning, healthy Bird of Paradise plants just waiting to grace your home with their exotic flair. 

And the best part? We deliver! Our friendly Rosies & Posies team will bring your Bird of Paradise right to your doorstep, ensuring it arrives safe and sound.


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