FTD® proudly presents the Many Thanks™ Bouquet by Hallmark. Celebrate the season of gratitude and love in Hallmark style with this gorgeous fresh flower bouquet! Orange roses, orange chrysanthemums, burgundy mini carnations, green button poms, peach hypericum berries, and lush greens are brought together with an artist's eye to create a winning fall flower arrangement. Presented in a clear glass vase tied at the neck with a brown braided tassel for a pop of harvest style and arriving with a hand lettered Hallmark tag that reads, "With Many Thanks," this flower bouquet is set to create a warm and inviting thank you, Grandparent's Day, or Thanksgiving gift. GOOD bouquet is approx. 13"H x 12"W. BETTER bouquet is approx. 14"H x 13"W. BEST bouquet is approx. 15"H x 13"W. EXQUISITE bouquet is approx. 16"H x 14"W. Premium packaging included.
Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.