Shades of Pink and Red™
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

EXCLUSIVE Someone you love is sure to be blushing when our gorgeous bouquet shows up at their door. Our expert florists hand-gather pink & red roses in our exclusive ruby red vase to catch their eye and capture their heart forever.

All-around arrangement with pink and red roses; accented by pink waxflower and leather leaf
Our florists select the freshest flowers available, so colors and varieties may vary due to local availability
Artistically designed in our exclusive ruby red glass vase; measures 8.75"H
Large arrangement has 18 stems; measures approximately 20"H x 14"L
Small arrangement has 12 stems; measures approximately 18"H x 12"L

Shades of Pink and Red™



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Add a final touch to create an extraordinary gift.

Browse our add-on gift ideas to make it special.

Boxed Chocolate
Boxed Chocolate
Boxed Chocolate
Boxed Chocolate
Greeting Card
Greeting Card
Mylar Balloons
Mylar Balloons
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear
Teddy Bear

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Customer Reviews

Neighborhood Flower Delivery areas :

Gilroy, CA